Our car rolled to a dusty halt at the top of the hill and the quaint Mexican village of adobe buildings stretched below us along the banks of the Rio Palanganas. Grey tendrils of smoke rose lazily from the backyards of a dozen or so homes. Later, we would discover the smoke came from small open kilns where finely decorated pottery was being fired, one or two pieces at a time. Mata Ortiz is a village of highly talented craftspeople. We started down the hill towards the little town, relieved that the stories about difficulties in getting to the village were highly exaggerated. Mata Ortiz lies about eight hours south and east of Phoenix, AZ in northern Chihuahua. It is only four hours from El Paso, TX. With the exception of the last 12 miles, which are over a gravel road, the trip was made on paved highway. There is even a city of 80,000, Nuevo Casas Grandes, with complete tourist facilities only 27 miles from the village. Accommodations are also now available within Mata Ortiz at the Posada de las Ollas. Not quite sure where we were going, we tooled down the bumpy streets, exploring. Seeing two black-on-red slip bowls sitting on the window sill of one of the homes, we stopped and piled out of our Trooper. The door to the house opened and a graceful, noble-looking woman with shoulder-length grey hair and skin the color of tanned leather greeted us. By a stroke of luck, we had stopped at the home of Consolacion Quezada, the older sister of Juan Quezada who was the first to make pottery in Mata Ortiz about 25 years ago. We were invited in to view her wares, displayed on a double bed. The unglazed earthenware was astounding in its diversity and beauty. There were blood-red bowls embellished with black designs, buff-colored pots impressed with starlike patterns, a large black clay frog, legs kicking in a swimming motion. "All my family makes pottery," Consolacion said proudly, indicating pieces by a brother named Reynaldo, her sons and daughters, and of course, her own black-on-red pots. About 20 years ago, Juan Quezada began making and painting pottery based on the shapes and designs of the prehistoric Indians from nearby ruins of Paquime in Casas Grandes. By 1976, he was selling the decorative earthenware to traders from El Paso. However, it was after his "discovery" by a businessman and amateur anthropologist, Spencer MacCallum, that Juan's work improved and his popularity grew in the United States. At the end of the 1970s, this young man, with only a 2nd Grade education, had had his pottery featured in several museum exhibitions, including ones at the Heard Museum in Phoenix and the Southwest Museum in Los Angeles. Now, there are over 300 potters--men, women, adolescents--working in the village. Many of them turn out original pots, bowls and plates which some collectors believe rival or surpass the more famous Pueblo pottery of the southwestern US. Mata Ortiz wares, often erroneously called "Casas Grandes pottery," can be found in galleries throughout the Southwest and in other parts of the United States. A gallery in Cincinnati has a large collection. Shops from Santa Cruz, CA to Albany, NY are known to carry the naturally-made earthenware plates, pots and figures. While the pottery can be found throughout the country, the fun is in visiting the village to meet and purchase pieces from the artists. There are no signs on the potters' homes, but children will flag down a stranger's car, or one may see a man or woman tending a small fire beside a home. Under the smoldering dried cowchips or kindling, a piece of pottery will be cooking. Visitors will be invited to view and photograph the firing and, hopefully, buy that piece or another already finished and waiting inside the house. The potters are often found working in their bedrooms which usually double as studios. There, a "tortilla" of clay is pressed into a plaster mold. Coils of clay are added and the walls are pinched and smoothed upwards by hand. None of the craftspeople used a potters wheel. All the artwork is built by hand. Sanding, polishing and painting are other steps to be completed before the pot is fired. As much as possible, the potters adhere to the techniques of the ancient Paquime Indians. The clays--grey, yellow, orange, red and white--are taken from the valley floor or the nearby foothills of the Sierra Madre mountains. The paints are made from the clay or from crushed manganese which is also mined locally. Emphasis for many of the craftspeople is on quality, not the large quantity of pieces which one sees made daily in many villages in central Mexico. Prices are surprisingly reasonable. While they range from $1.00 for a tiny bowl to upwards of $200.00 for an exceptionally fine polychrome on white clay, the average price for a good quality pot is about $40.00. Each work of art is signed by the potter. (Juan Quezada, the master potter, charges considerably higher for his fine pieces). While Nuevo Casas Grandes has a full range of tourist facilities, the Posada de las Ollas in Mata Ortiz, gives visitors a chance to literally live with the potters. The inn provides rooms, indoor plumbing and three meals per day. The Posada is a block from the village center and is surrounded by pottery families. Each day sees the artists' children visiting to display their parents' latest offerings. For more information about the Posada, email to mataort@goodnet.com or, on AOL, to Canuck8590. We bought several bowls, each signed by a different member of Consolacion's family on our first visit in 1989, including the black frog and one of Consolacion's unique black-on-red pots. Consolacion has been making pottery for 22 years. She enjoys the craft not only for the valuable supplement to her family income, but for the pleasure it gives her, despite nagging arthritis in her hands. "My hands tell me I should stop making pots," she says, "but my heart won't let me." This warmth and pride in potterymaking is village-wide. It is easily transferred to visitors who often return to Mata Ortiz looking for new treasures. (Be sure to look in the photo gallery in the Travel Forum for GIFs of the potters and the pottery. Also, check out the website listed below: http://www.goodnet.com/~mataort/matahp.htm